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How Do I Prepare for the Scholarship Test?

The scholarship test is an essential part of the application process, and it’s important to be prepared. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the test.

Furthering your education in Australia can be expensive if not done correctly. If you want to ease the cost of education, you need to apply for scholarships. One great way to prepare students is to complete a practice scholarship test. 

If you aren't sure what this is or need further information about the types of questions it will ask, this article is for you.Keep reading to learn more! 

How to Prepare for Scholarship Tests: 

To prepare for scholarship assessments, you must first understand the types of questions on the exam. Below, we'll break down the four test types in more detail: 

Abstract Reasoning

Abstract reasoning questions on a scholarship test measure one's ability to think logically. They are often used as part of the admissions process for high school and universities and are found in a variety of other contexts as well.

For example, an abstract reasoning question might ask you to identify the missing piece in a series of pictures. The most common types of abstract reasoning questions involve puzzles or games. These questions require critical thinking skills.

Types of Questions

The questions in this section may include related to:

  • Transformation  – rotation, reflection, translation, symmetry, and paper folding
  • Image series – sequence, odd one out, analogies, and matrix
  • 3D visualisation – cubes, object view and nets

The questions test a person's ability to identify patterns, reason deductively, and think abstractly. The questions often require the examinee to use inductive reasoning. This is reasoning from specific examples or instances of a general rule, law, or principle.

How to Solve Quickly

A few tips to solve these questions quickly:

  • Eliminate any wrong answers
  • Try  to predict what the answer is and eliminate answers that don't match

Numerical Reasoning

Numerical reasoning questions require you to work with numbers and solve mathematical problems. These questions can be classified into two types: quantitative comparison and quantitative problem-solving.

Quantitative comparison questions ask you to compare two quantities and decide which is greater or if they are equal.

Quantitative problem-solving questions will give you a number or a mathematical expression. You then have to find the answer.

Types of Questions

There are many types of numerical questions that can be found on a scholarship test. These include:

  • Arithmetic problems such as finding percentages, adding and subtracting fractions, or solving word problems
  • Algebraic problem solving such as simplifying equations, solving for x in an equation, or determining the value of a variable
  • Geometric problem solving such as determining the area of shapes or finding the slope of a line
  • Data interpretation questions that involve math skills such as interpreting graphs and charts

The questions measure the candidate's ability to reason mathematically. Numerical reasoning questions test the candidate's ability to solve mathematical problems. It also assesses their understanding of mathematical concepts.

How to Solve Quickly

The best way to solve these types of questions quickly is by using a few different strategies. One strategy is to use estimation, where you round off numbers and estimate the answer.

Another strategy is guessing. You do this by choosing any answer that seems reasonable and then working out if it’s right or not. 

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning questions are usually based on reading comprehension. They also assess your understanding of sentence structure and how you use vocabulary. The questions can be in the form of fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, true or false, or short answers.

Types of Questions

Questions may include:

  • Fill in the blank with a word or phrase
  • Identify the false sentence, or find the sentence that does not belong
  • Translate words from one language to another
  • Fill in the blanks with synonyms for words given in brackets
  • Insert  missing words into a sentence
  • Choose which word best completes this statement

How to Solve Quickly

The best way to solve these questions is to practice with verbal reasoning tests that are similar to the actual exam. There are many verbal reasoning practice tests available online.

These tests will give you a good idea of what questions you will expect on the day of the exam. It also helps you understand how fast you need to work to avoid running out of time. The key is getting as much practice as possible when it comes time for the real thing.

Reading Comprehension 

Reading comprehension questions test reading skills and knowledge. They are often in scholarship exams to assess an applicant's ability to read and understand a passage.

Reading comprehension questions require an answer that is supported by evidence from the text. Applicants must provide a response that includes textual evidence. It must also incorporate outside knowledge or experience to answer these questions correctly.

Types of Questions

The following are some examples of reading comprehension questions:

  1. What did the author say?
  2. What is an inference?
  3. What is an example of an inference?
  4. What does it mean to synthesise information?
  5. Why do you think that this question was not answered with a single word or sentence?

Reading comprehension questions can be in the form of multiple choice or open-ended questions. They usually require students to make inferences, synthesise information, or identify the author's tone.

How to Solve Quickly

There are many ways to solve reading comprehension questions quickly during a timed test, but the best way is by using these 5tips:

  • Read the question and answer choices before reading the passage
  • Read the passage for comprehension and understanding, but do not over read it
  • Skim through the answer choices and select your choice that matches what you have read in the passage
  • If you are unsure of an answer choice, guess from among these choices and  move on to the next question 
  • If you get stuck on a difficult question, try to find a clue in one of the other questions 

Sign Up for the Scholarship Test Today 

This article discusses how to prepare for a scholarship test. Many scholarship programs are available, but testing is necessary for furthering your education. We hope you better understand how to answer the questions you'll find on the test. 

Are you or your student in year 7 or higher? We have a comprehensive product to help prepare you or your student for the next step.Get started today with one of our scholarship test packs

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